Tuesday, July 31, 2007

What's In A Title?

When I was choosing a title for my personal web page I struggled with finding just the right thing. I wanted something personal, something that revealed a little about me. Finally, I decided to take two words from my "life-verse."

Proverbs 31:25
"She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come."

This was my chosen life verse, not because I always manage to live my life with strength and dignity, nor because I am always able to laugh, no matter what my circumstance; rather I choose it because these are things that I aspire to.

I have lived my life as if I were studying at the school of hard knocks, so I feel that most of the time I do fairly well with the strength portion. At least, I have now learned to rely on the one "true" source of strength, the Lord Jesus Christ. However, having been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in early 2006, my prayer has become that I will handle the progression of this disease, and in fact my whole life, in a dignified manner. This is an area that God and I are still refining. For me being dignified means that every situation in life must be filtered through Jesus. I must ask myself "How would Jesus respond?" And, the laughing part . . . well some days I just want to have a pity party and cry, cry, cry! I used to think that I had a pretty awesome sense of humor, and I probably did have a worldly sense of humor. Now, that part of my life verse speaks more to my ability to retain joy in the Lord; no matter what life throws my way.

The Lord and I have been on an amazing journey together and I look forward to what He will teach me next. I continue to pray that He will allow me to know Him better, and to serve Him fully.

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