Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Then I Prayed Some More

If you have read my post from May 30th, entitled Answered Prayer, you will know that I am getting ready to attend “She Speaks.” You will also know that I have been attempting to pull together a book proposal to be presented to a couple of publishing houses.

Well, after many attempts at writing the content for the proposal, nothing is really working the way I would like for it to be. So, although I still am convinced that the book is worthy of writing, and I believe that I have much to share through this book; I have decided that this is not the year for me to move forward with presenting my ideas.

I called the Proverbs 31 office and requested that my book presentation appointments be given to the first person on the waiting list. I have prayed earnestly for the woman who will be ‘pitching’ her idea to these people. I have a great peace about this decision, so I am feeling that I made the right decision. I am feeling as if a weight has been pulled off of my shoulders and I am excited about attending the conference without that added stress. I am looking forward to just being quiet before the Lord and allowing Him to speak to me. Having the distraction of meeting with publishers last year seemed to impede my listening skills.

I will continue to work on my book, and as I said before, I will accomplish the goal of putting together a complete manuscript. I will trust the Lord with this project, and I will continue to seek to glorify God in every aspect of my life.

1 comment:

Melissa Milbourn said...

Hey Joanie! I'm happy to have found your blog! I added you to my site.

have fun at She Speaks!!
